Explain me how have you worked with the different functional areas to keep projects moving forward?
570Post New SAP AllOther Questions
Tell us what is a transaction in sap terminology?
Do you know what are variables?
Explain what is dispatcher?
What are the different types of source system?
What are the areas should be focused more in order to improve warehouse transportation?
Mention what are reason codes used in account receivable?
Tell me is sap a database?
Explain me what is the difference between the “residual payment” and “partial payment” methods of allocating cash in account receivable?
what is roles and authorization??? During text determination procdure i dont want any one to change the text in transaction how to do it???
Explain about SAP GRC module?
i want dumps for base SAS erification so please provide me link or information on my mail id pritam.vidulkar@gmail.com
Tell me briefly about sap.
State the ways of migration from sap to simple finance?
Explain about SAP Hybris module?
Explain how can you find a list of all t-codes in the sap system?