check input header/detail and reverse/copy in pra module is a online and batch program. i want the complete coding or clear details of it. its urgent.
1846Is it possible to have either Sold-to-party or ship-to- party as release partners in a value contract?
1583by sorting parameters in selection screen, whichj is triggers first, char,or packed decimal or numaric or hexa decimal
1752Hi Am aware that every field can have only one active status ( out of the four Suppress / Display / Required / Optional and in that order). Am also aware that you set field status while defining account group (IMG) in the G/L Master. This would affect your field settings during GL Master creation. I am also aware that field status for transactional activities ( i.e. document related activities) can be activated ( as Suppress / Required / Optional only ..... What about display ????? this choice does not seem to exist !) a) while defining Posting keys as well as b) while defining fields status in IMG. My doubts : 1. Why do we have to initiate the settings for transactional activities in two places ( namely a and b defined above )? 2. Why is Display choice is not available in the transaction level? 3. Why do we have FSG and what is its role as compared to FSV ? Please clarify Thanks in advance.. Vidhya
1842I am B.Tech(CSE) & working in textile mill in IT dept. where implement SAP ag6.0 at Branch side all module like (SD,FICO,MM) etc. And Database & application server at HEAD Ofice(diffrent site).what will be my future in this field (ABAP,BASIS ,Functionality)etc.
2 45881.How to post manually created Pr's and Po's 2. Define inforecord 3. how inforecord is maintatined in PR's and Po's 4. Is there any possiblity for an material that have both inforecord and release stratergy?
1904Hi I am currently workiong in the Insurance vertical as a S/W progammer.I would like to study SAP.Could anyone advise me which module would be advisable.Is there any module related to the insurance sector
4 7204What things would be checked after upgrade SAP 4.7 to 6.0 to make sure that all transfered data are still complete ?
1 4576Post New SAP AllOther Questions
Please explain what are reason codes used in account receivable?
Do you know what is net weaver?
What is abap and sap?
Tell us what are set parameters and get parameters?
Name some of the set-backs of sap?
What is an internal table where do we use internal table with out header line?
How should I start learning about sap?
Mention what do you mean by datasets?
Explain about SAP GRC module?
Explain about SAP ESS MSS module?
Explain about SAP Treasury And Risk Management module?
Where are t-code name and program values stored? Explain how can you find a list of all t-codes in the sap system?
What is the difference between on change of field and at new field events?
Explain me what is bdc stand for?
Explain the sap document builder.