You want to configure workflow to track record for every change of material in material master. What steps will you take?
521What is the transaction code for listing all the workflows in the system (including standard & customized workflows)?
551You want to subsitute a user who has been deleted by another user without affecting the workflow. Is it possible to do it? If yes, how?
581Post New SAP Business Workflow Questions
What is sap workflow?
When a infotype action is performed, an fm should trigger, and a workflow subsequently. How can I configure it?
Is it possible to create timed events?
You want to configure the purchase order release procedure. What steps will you take?
How to achieve dynamic parallel processing?
What is the transaction code for listing all the workflows in the system (including standard & customized workflows)?
What are the workflows created by you? Worked upon by you?
You want to configure the sap workflow to send a pop-up message to the approver when the purchase requisitions are ready for them to act upon. How will you do that?
What are the different statuses of a work item?
Hai sd gurus can u tell me what are the roles and responsiblys in support projet as a sd consultant .thanks in advance
What are important tcodes in sap workflow?
How will you do the creating timed events.
Sap r/3 screens how will you develop a table control having 3 columns with only one editable ?
How come my workflow works fine in dev but not in qa? (Or prod)
List the various advantages of sap business workflow.?