When a infotype action is performed, an fm should trigger, and a workflow subsequently. How can I configure it?
532When a infotype action is performed, an event should trigger, and a workflow subsequently. How can I configure it?
505Huge number of events is getting created in a short duration of time, and thus creating a huge load on the system and making it very slow. Solution?
536Post New SAP Business Workflow Questions
What is the difference between work item and notification e-mail?
What is sap workflow?
What is a work item ? How does it differ from a simple sap office mail item?
How do you set up a user to receive a pop-up reminder when he/she gets a new wf message?
Is there anyway to undelete work items in sap workflow after I have logically deleted them already?
Huge number of events is getting created in a short duration of time, and thus creating a huge load on the system and making it very slow. Solution?
What are the agent determination techniques?
How to notify a user immediately in r/3 that he has got an email?
Define business workflow using abap classes?
How to extend a bo?
Explain the different workflow steps activities?
A user wants to receive a pop-up message when he get a new wf message. How can this be done?
What is the integration point with ess portal?
What are the options to implement method of a bo?
I want to find out who the approver has been substituted with in the system. How can I do that?