SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

diff types of fi and co quations pls tell me

Baidu, IBM,


Q.what is the diff between screen layout and account groups?

Tech Mahindra,

1 8352

A creation what does" manual creation of cost element " and " automatic creation of cost element" mean?

2 5643

For one company code max how many chart of accounts can we assign?

Accenture, HCL,

8 23353

how many type of APP we can run .,,, whar are app program

Yash Technologies,

1 6845

line items r showing in open items(t.code fbl1n), while clearing the accounts in f-28, those docuemtns which r showing in the t.cdefbl1n is not picking. Waitng for u r replies Thanks in Advance

1 5946

why we need reconciliation account in SAP for AP and AR plz give em answer in details


7 19083

tell me about MTS process?

1 4087

what are source of COPA PLANNING?


1 4484

what is target cost?


3 7021

what is the asset life cycle in sap fico


1 15881

when you r uploading vendor data open items the with holding tax of concern transaction are also updating automatically, it is duplicating because the WHT LINE ITEMS ARE already uploaded. how do you customize or rectify it?

IBM, Infosys,

1 2832

whenever run depreciation, automatically updation income tax depreciation with the same percentage?What is the problem?can u give me solution?



master data of fi -gl , fi-ap,fi-ar,fi-as


1 2559

Dear experts can you please explain to me whether a vendor/customer master data have 2 different terms of payment in the company code segment and the purchasing organization/sales area segment simultaneously??


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Un-Answered Questions { SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) }

Hello SAP FICO consultants, I am Amreshkumar i have completed my BBA in 2009 and currenly appearing for M. com 2nd year & recently completed my SAP FICO module, can anybudy please suggest me how to find job on fresher level? Is there any company who recruites freshers OR is there any consultancies who recruites freshers. please help me.... Suggest me your views on my E-Mail ID: ... Thanks...


What is the basic difference in customizing in profitability analysis as compared to other modules?


What is financial accounting sap ?


Explain production set-up in fi-aa? : fi- asset accounting


How do you define credit control area in fi?


What are characteristics values? : co-pa


Outline credit management in sap? : fi- accounts receivable


What is the Pre-mapping and Matching?


What is clearing? : fi- general ledger accounting


How many dunning levels can be defined? : fi- accounts receivable


what is the day to day work of SAP FICO Consultant. which are the documents,white papers he uses. who will assign him work and in what form, is it a flowchart,word document,power point presentation ?and also what is business blue print and how it is documented(word,flow chart),?? please answer my question


What is validations and substitutions in sap?


What is an intermediate bank? : fi- general ledger accounting


What are account assignment models?


Lets say for a product there exists three production versions. Explain the process how you would go about creating a mixed cost estimate?