Can we change price control from S to V in mid of the year, If we can change what is the process steps we will follow from CO end?
1388Post New SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) Questions
What is the recommended planning sequence, in co? : co- cost center accounting
What are the critical scenarios in production support? Tell me some examples?
What is the meaning of accrual calculation? : cost center accounting
What are the kinds of assets in sap? : fi- asset accounting
Is it possible to keep the fi posting period open only for certain gl codes?
How do you perform annual closing in sap? : fi- general ledger
how to control transport cost with sale invoices :- I want to know how to map tranport cost with respective sale invoices. This help us to avoid duplicate transport payment. As in PO freight condition is maintained ,is there is anyway to link or map transport cost with sale invoices
What is a (tax) jurisdiction code?
What is cost center hierarchy? : cost center accounting
I am interested in how to write Functional Specicification documents to be passed on SAP ABAP Consultants. After the Fit/Gap Analysis the RICEFW objects will be derived and functional specicifications will be written for the ABAPers to work on. I would be happy if anyone could send me examples, templates and explanations. Thanks Jay
There are result analysis categories in wip (work in process). What do you mean by the result analysis category reserves for unrealized costs?
I know that in version ECC6 exists the functionality of document splitting like this: If an Invoice is for 11,000/-.Then we write the GL as : vendor A/C Dr XXXX to Purchase 1 XXX to Purchase 2 XXX to Tax XX But through Document Splitting we can write it based on the %age of sharing as 80 : 20%.. Vendor A/c 8,800(DR) Purchase A/C 8,000(Cr) Tax 800 (Cr) Vendor A/C 2,200 (Dr) Purchase 2000(Cr) Tax 200(Cr) This is called Document Splitting But when you talk about tax, you mean a line item created manually like tax or a document where you complete the tax code and the line is created automatically? Thanks a lot in advance. REgards,Lorena
How do you prevent the system from calculating the cost estimate for raw and packing material when you run a standard cost estimate for the finished goods?
What do you understand by cost center, profit center in controlling?
How does posting happen in mm (materials management) during special periods?