What is the difference b/n any GPOS and RTOS?Give suitable examples or characteristic of RTOS to support your answer. What changes can be done in a GPOS to make it work like a RTOS? What basic features will you support, if you have to design a RTOS?
8 29218I have been working on one thread which manage and control a couple of circular buffers. It has api for other thread to access. As the thread grows bigger and bigger, I split it as 3 to 4 threads which need to share common buffers, and also their api could be used by other threads, (not these three threads). Inside api, I also allow other threads to access these three threads' common buffers(more than one buffer). SO I have to use mutex to avoid race condition . But I found mutex will be everwhere in all the threads when they update the common buffer. I am wondering whether I could reduce mutex usage(more mutex will hure my system performance). any ideas for how to reduce mutex usage meanwhile to avoid race condition. Thanks
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