When I open a project in Visual Basic that is under Source Code control, does Visual SourceSafe get the latest version of the project?
1 2026
What is Merge Conflicts?
How can I archive old projects or old versions of current projects?
Which DB using by Visulal Source Safe ? Can we assign our won database to VSS? or it have any default DB ?
VSS System Capacities — database/file sizes, number of users?
Is there any information on Web Projects and Source Control Integration in Visual Studio .NET?
What is Multiple Checkout?
Is there a way to automatically increment/synchronize my project build number and my VSS label/version?
How can I put revision history information in the source files each time I check in a file?
How does one implement SourceSafe integration with FrontPage 2000/ 8?
Where can I find a list of known bugs in VSS?
Does VSS OLE Automation support label comments?
How can I use SourceSafe to version stored procedures with Visual Studio 6.0 and SQL Server 7.0?
Is VSS 5.0 compatible with a 4.0 database? Do I have to upgrade all users to the new version? What about 6.0?
How do I select a database from the command line?
How to Create a New Shared CaseComplete Project?