Is there a SourceSafe developers guide?
How to Update Version Control Settings for a Project?
What is Multiple Checkout?
VSS System Capacities — database/file sizes, number of users?
How do I display a custom message box during Add Item, Check In, Ckeck Out, Undo Checkout, Branch, and Rename?
How to See Checkout Status of Elements?
How can I use SourceSafe to version stored procedures with Visual Studio 6.0 and SQL Server 7.0?
What about other product integrations?
How to Create a New Shared CaseComplete Project?
How do I rename a label?
Is VSS 5.0 compatible with a 4.0 database? Do I have to upgrade all users to the new version? What about 6.0?
How to Put an Existing Model under Version Control?
Is there an API for VSS? Where can I get it?
Is VSS Y2K compliant?
How can I automate database maintenance routines?