DB400 Interview Questions
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How can i retrieve city while my i have one field address length 60 but i don't know what where is city in this field ?

4 6742

In a CL Program after executing a SQL SP how to receive a Output value from the SP. Just to make it clear I am sending 2 input and 1 output parameter to the SQL Stored Procedure. Now while receiving it output parm it is failing.



how to restrict upon adding the data for field reference file in DB400

1 3350

Suppose if a physical file is having 1000 records, but i deleted 500 records from it. Here the concern is can the size of the file changes or it remains the same... kindly help me out with thorough xplanation.... Thanks in-advance...


6 10384

How can we handle errors in RPG?

4 7567

can any one tell me what is meant by PSSR? Kindly elaborate it...

1 5242

In how many ways we can create a logical file?`

5 7362

How can we know that a trigger has been added on a PF? and what is the purpose of adding a trigger?

3 6645

If we use the file level keywords like LIFO, FIFO, FCFO in a file, can we see the impact of it by doing the run query of the file? if not how can we see the impact of these keywords.

2 8470

what is use of self join and which cases you will use this join


1 3273

how to eliminate the level check error


2 4814

what is multiple member pf

Active Brains,

1 3183

what is general and type of general

Active Brains,

1 2486

wirte a simple program for read file in cl

Active Brains,

2 3479

what is dynslt and why we use that command when do we use command

Active Brains, UHG,

2 6491

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Un-Answered Questions { DB400 }

What is the difference between access path and open data path?


Where the QTEMP library will get created? if the the answer is QSYS, then howcome more than one job can create same library name(QTEMP) in QSYS? what is the uniqueness of QTEMP? For example, run the below command in different workstation WRKOBJ QSYS/QTEMP And take 8 in the option to check the description. both will have different info. so where(which LIB) exactly the QTEMP is stored?


How to find the list of source physical files in a library?


I have physical file with 100 records,there is no any duplicate records in this pf.based on this pf one logical file I have used.but this lf is viewing only 80 records only of that pf?what is the reason for this?


How to read a pf in reverse(from last record to first) using cl?


What is the primary file?


How to retrieve a physical file after deleting that?


What is the use of member in pf?


How to index LF by relative record no (RRN)


What is the batch job?


Can we concatenate fields in physical file? If yes how can we do?


In a CL Program after executing a SQL SP how to receive a Output value from the SP. Just to make it clear I am sending 2 input and 1 output parameter to the SQL Stored Procedure. Now while receiving it output parm it is failing.


What is the interactive job? What is the batch job?


How to change the batch job to interactive job?


How to update physical file using logical file with example?