VSAM Interview Questions
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Is it slower if you access a record through ALT INDEX as compared to Primary INDEX? Why?

1 5445

Yes. Because the alternate key would first locate the primary key, which in turn locates the actual record. Needs twice the number of I/Os.


What is RECOVERY and SPEED parameters in DEFINE CLUSTER command?

1 13683

Describe SHAREOPTIONS parameter (SHR) in Define Cluster command.?

1 17199

What does the KEYRANGES parameter in Define Cluster commend do?

1 6969

What are the optional parameters to the input dataset While loading the empty cluster with the data records?


1 5544

What is IDCAMS? and what is the purpose of it?

4 18003

How to delete a member using JCL.?

5 14226

What is the Difference between LDS & ESDS ?

3 14362

Is a delete operation possible in an ESDS?B. Is rewrite operation possible in ESDS ?

3 9246

What is an alternate index and path ?

Infosys, TCS,

2 25866

How many buffers are allotted to VSAM KSDS and ESDS?

1 7671

what's the biggest disadvantage of using a VSAM dataset?

Anjana, CTS, DSRC, IBM,

8 18567

what's the device independent method to indicate where a Record is Stored?

1 5228

How many times secondary space allocated?

5 9802

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Un-Answered Questions { VSAM }

What are the building blocks used in vsam datasets?


how do you define an altindx ? How do you use altindxs in batch, cics programs?


What is the device independent method to indicate where a record is stored?


What is the purpose of having vsam data space?


what do you mean by a vsam slot?


What is a lds (linear data set) and what is it used for?


Explain the function of the relative record data set?


Explain the biggest disadvantage of using a vsam dataset?


what do you mean by the repro command?


What is the biggest disadvantage of using a vsam dataset?


Explain the significance of the shareoptions parameter?


what is the probability of a complete system distortion under high end low performing multiprocessor job?


name a few common vsam status codes?


Explain the process in which flat files are converted into vsam files?


What are the different dataset organizations used in vsam?