VSAM Interview Questions
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Is it slower if you access a record through ALT INDEX as compared to Primary INDEX? Why?

1 5393

Yes. Because the alternate key would first locate the primary key, which in turn locates the actual record. Needs twice the number of I/Os.


What is RECOVERY and SPEED parameters in DEFINE CLUSTER command?

1 13600

Describe SHAREOPTIONS parameter (SHR) in Define Cluster command.?

1 17128

What does the KEYRANGES parameter in Define Cluster commend do?

1 6889

What are the optional parameters to the input dataset While loading the empty cluster with the data records?


1 5428

What is IDCAMS? and what is the purpose of it?

4 17880

How to delete a member using JCL.?

5 14084

What is the Difference between LDS & ESDS ?

3 14276

Is a delete operation possible in an ESDS?B. Is rewrite operation possible in ESDS ?

3 9056

What is an alternate index and path ?

Infosys, TCS,

2 25761

How many buffers are allotted to VSAM KSDS and ESDS?

1 7603

what's the biggest disadvantage of using a VSAM dataset?

Anjana, CTS, DSRC, IBM,

8 18383

what's the device independent method to indicate where a Record is Stored?

1 5160

How many times secondary space allocated?

5 9690

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Un-Answered Questions { VSAM }

What is control area?


what do you mean by idcams? Explain its purpose?


What is the difference between lds and esds?


Differentiate between control interval (ci) and control area (ca)?


What is a base cluste?


What is the use of lds (linear data set)?


explain in brief how you can create a vsam file?


What makes vrrds different from vsam?


there are seven idcams commands in vsam. Can you name and explain each of them?


Define free space?


explain the differences between vsam and non-vsam files


What is a lds (linear data set)?


Explain the process in which flat files are converted into vsam files?


What is the main function of key-sequenced data set?


what is the meaning of dynamic processing in vsam?