explain how many ways you can load data in a vsam cluster?
What is the biggest disadvantage of using a vsam dataset?
What are the different dataset organizations used in vsam?
What is a ci split? What is a ca split?
What is the function of linear dataset in vsam?
Using alternate indexes in batch program?
What does the keyranges parameter in define cluster command do?
Explain the function of entry-sequenced data set?
State the differences between vsam and non-vsam files?
What are the different parameters that are used in vsam?
Explain the biggest disadvantage of using a vsam dataset?
what do you mean by a vsam split?
OPEN INPUT StudentFile READ StudentFile AT END SET EndOfStudentFile TO TRUE END-READ PERFORM UNTIL EndOfStudentFile DISPLAY StudentId SPACE StudentName SPACE CourseCode SPACE YOBirth READ StudentFile AT END SET EndOfStudentFile TO TRUE END-READ END-PERFORM CLOSE StudentFile STOP RUN what will be output
explain in brief what are the 3 types of vsam files?
What is a ca split?