SAS Interview Questions
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what is information maps?



how to intersect the tables by using PROC MIXED?


1 7378

How the date 04oct1994 is stored in SAS,not only give the answer explain in brief?

5 6766

Approximately what date is represented by SAS date value of 730

9 18817

how we can create optional or required parameters in SAS macro...


5 21105

1.What is the difference between _NULL_ , _ALL_, and _N_? 2.What are the uses of _NULL_ using in Data Steps? Can we _NULL_ in Proc Steps also? 3.How do call the macro variable in Data Steps? 4.How to construct Pivot tables in Excel Using SAS?

3 8863

is there any difference between proc summary and proc means?

3 7615

what are the differences between proc report and proc tabulate?

3 19295

is there any differnce between proc means and proc summary?

5 7666

1.How to draw pivot tables in Excel by using SAS and in which version we can use VB script for to draw pivot tables in Excel? Answer with example data. 2.What are the advantages of _NULL_ in Data steps? Can we use _NULL_ in Proc steps also? 3. How to call the macro variable into Data Steps? 4. Can we draw pivot tables in Excel using Proc SQL? Please post answers for the above questions with suitable examples, and how to use VB script for Excel using SAS.

1 7587

1.we can execute a macro with in a macro,by using call symput and symget can any one give me one example? 2.We can create the macro variables by using %let,%do,macro parameters,INTO clause in proc sql and call symput, can any one give me example to create macro variable with INTO clause and call symput? 3.

1 4268

how do u test a pros sql(works or not) without executing it?


1 10101

what is the difference btw proc means and proc univariate?


8 48862

What is difference between rename and lable in sas?


10 28274

how do you validate sas program?


6 11876

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Un-Answered Questions { SAS }

In SAS explain which statement does not perform automatic conversions in comparisons?


what is program data vector? : Sas-administrator


what are sas bi dashboard components? : Sas-bi


What is the difference between SAS functions and procedures?


Name validation tools used in SAS


Hi,by usining ptf how we have to combine (likr merge)10 datasets at a time in the oracle database(and write a macro code also)?Like this i have a douts a lot if you dont mind may please send one text mail for me(


in the flow of data step processing, what is the first action in a typical data step? : Sas programming


what is the difference between unique key and primary key? : Sas-di


how are numeric and character missing values represented internally? : Sas programming


What are the table names in oracle database...?


What are the uses of sas?


What is the command used to find missing values?


why is a stop statement needed for the point=option on a set statement? : Sas programming


What is Linear Regression?


If a variable contains only numbers, can it be a character data type?