SAS Interview Questions
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What is the registered Key word is sas????


2 6390

What is difference between N and n????


2 6935

When you will use nowd option in report???


6 20936

diff between nodup rec and ondup key???

AON, Sciformix,

3 8752

What is the difference Using & and && in the macro variables


5 15959

Dear all, proc means data=dsn noprint completetypes; class trtmntgroup /preloadfmt; output out=tot n=n; format trtmntgroup trtf. ; by vstgrp descending severity; run; This is the code I used for AE table. I got the values without giving the variable ‘trtmntgroup(numeric)’ in var statement. And if I give the var statement for that variable i’m getting the same values.How is that possible? What is the difference between class and var statement? Could any one explain me how does proc means work at the back end. And what is the difference between _freq_ value and N value in proc means. Thanks and regards, Rajesh.

1 3614

What is the difference between proportion and average?



you have a data set like this. data qqq; input name $ total; cards; qq 22 ww 33 qq 22 ee 44 rr 33 ww 44 ; run; and you want output like this......... name total qq 22 ww 44 Do it by data set step.

6 8254

how to read raw data in sas. Do it manually and throw the programming.


1 6805

Hi All.I am looking for Good Institute who could Provide the online SAS BI+DI Training along with software.Primarily in Delhi/NCR or in Hyderabad Please help with name and contact number of concerned person!! Thanks in Advance! :)

1 2917

create macros---you have 365 number of data and you need to merge it throw the macros,,,,,, data file1; input a @@; cards; 1 2 3 4 ; run; data file2; input a @@; cards; 5 6 7 8 ; run; data file3; input a @@; cards; 9 10 11 12 ; run;data file4; input a @@; cards; 13 14 15 16 ; run;


6 10595

if you have 365 no of data set and each one having different variable from each other. how will you read by creating macros and create a single data set.

2 5634

Hi Jeevan/Akshara I have tried to contact SASI Vats for latest Advanced SAS Programming Certification Dumps (A00-212) but have not got any response. I would highly and gratefully appreciate your assistance in this regard. If you guys have access to this, would you be kind enough to forward it to me ? I would abide by all the terms you have for this. Please, note my email id: Preti Sharma


how to know the attributes of first five datasets in a library

2 5125

i have one dataset data l; input name: $ 25; cards; manoj is a good boy to krishna krishna is a god boy to malli malli is good boy to ramana ques: here i want "manoj" observations nubers


3 5872

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Un-Answered Questions { SAS }

WHAT IS SAS WEB SERVICE and what are the steps to create an xml service ?


What are the ways to do a “table lookup” in sas?


Hello, I have PROC SQLs results group by 3 fields and I use SUM and COUNT functions in SQL. The problem is when I try to display my result with PROC TABULATE. I am getting very big numbers. I believe I make a mistake some where in Tabulate. Here is my Proc Tabulate. PROC TABULATE DATA=OUT04_05 FORMAT=12.; CLASS YR CENTRE VISA / PRELOADFMT EXCLUSIVE; VAR NEWUSER FRAUD TRANSFER AUTUSER REISSUE; TABLE CENTRE ALL, (YR ALL)*VISA, (NEWUSER*F=COMMA12. AUTUSER*F=COMMA12. FRAUD*F=COMMA12. TRANSFER*F=COMMA12. REISSUE*F=COMMA12.) / MISSTEXT={LABEL='0'} PRINTMISS RTS=20; FORMAT VISA VISAFMT.; KEYLABEL SUM = ' ' ALL = 'TOTAL'; LABEL YR = 'DATE YEAR' NEWUSER = 'TOTAL NEW ACCT' TRANSFER = 'TOTAL TRANSFER' FRAUD = 'TOTAL FRAUD TRANSFER' AUTUSER = 'TOTAL AUTH USERS' REISSUE = 'TOTAL REISSUE'; When I code it like : NEWUSER*N*F=COMMA12. AUTUSER*N*F=COMMA12. I get same amount numbers but to find a NEWUSER I use COUNT(*) and to find AUTUSER I use SUM(xxxx) function so both result shouldn’t be the same my problem is in this point. Could you tell me where the problem in code is. How can I display my result? TX.


sas implementing companies in pune implementing clinical projects if anyone knows plz send ans immediately


How many data types are there in SAS?


What sas features do you use to check errors and data validation?


how the sas basic syntax style described? : Sas-administrator


Enlist the syntax rules followed in sas statements.


What are the functions used for character handling?


Mention the difference between ceil and floor functions in sas?


Describe crosslist option in tables statement?


Have you ever used the SAS Debugger?


what is the primary data source for the wrs? : Sas-bi


how does sas handle missing values in: assignment statements, functions, a merge, an update, sort order, formats, procs? : Sas programming


What will calendar procedure do?