in u r data u having duplicates how to fetch the latest data in our report?
What are the frequently used data types in teradata?
What is data type of the surrogate key?
name the function which is used to serialize the ti process?
What are different table types used in teradata?
what are confirmed dimension? We alwys give date as a conformed dimension but if it has different format for different contries say YYMMDD for italy and MM-DD-YYYY for france.Then are they not confirmed.
Intern stastical programmer written test
In development project what is the process to follow for an etl developer from day1
Why does varchar occupy 2 extra bytes?
r u done any partitions in ur project?
What does role playing dimension mean?
What is source qualifier transformation in informatica?
What are the functions of the replicate and dedup component?
What is the project in datastage?
What are the data movement modes in informatica?