What are normalization, first normal form, second normal form and third normal form?
What is metadata in microstrategy?
How are the sources and targets definitions imported in informatica designer?
What is the basic structure of a sas program?
How do you determine the number of sessions?
What are the limitations of amazon redshift?
How can you use an Oracle sequences in Informatica ? You have an Informatica sequence generator transformation also. which one is better to use?
can i any one explain me realtime healthcare project explanation..for interview .iam new to informatica .thanks in advance.
What are various etl tools in the market?
What metadata importer can do in ab initio?
Why redshift Distribution key is used?
What are the commands to make a new table, change a table and remove a table in teradata?
Explain what is data validation strategies for data mart validation after loading process?
Differentiate between proc means and proc summary.
What are the ETL Testing Operations?