PHP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

can we use PGP with PHP?

1 5637

How can you insert javascript in php code?


13 63280

Does it possible to compile php with mysql without having mysql sources?

2 4574

What does PHP stand for?

7 9787

Is it possible to get the screen resolution and like with php?

1 3903

How can you count number of parameters given in a URL by POST method?

5 15645

what is this error "Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect();" and when you will get this?

2 4555

what method is used to get a user's IP address?

2 6803

What is PEAR?

1 4776

Explain about error handling in php?

INDUS, Life Infotech, Yahoo,

1 6935

Is it possible to connect to a Microsoft Access database without a DSN? If so, how??

3 7647

Is there a way to encrypt text from php?

5 7908

Without using forms and hidden variables, how to send variables from a PHP script to another URL using POST method?

2 29738

How do you set the browser timeout?

3 10189

Whats the difference between include() and require()?

4 7988

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

What is the purpose of $_ session?


What's the difference between using mysql_ functions and pdo?


How to check a key exist in an array?


How many types of functions are there in php?


Explain me what is the difference between $_files['userfile']['name'] and $_files['userfile']['tmp_name']?


What is the use of strpos in php?


What is difference Between PHP 5 and 7?


How do I repair phpmyadmin?


What are php libraries?


What is artisan in php?


Tell me what kind of things have you done on the social side?


What are the characteristics of php?


What is php full form?


How to redirect https to http url and vice versa in .htaccess?


How can we automatically escape incoming data?