what are different grades of mild steel available for making machine structure (housing)
I want appear the ISTQB fundation level in june '08. For this i require previous question sets or glossaries.pls email me if any one have previous question sets or glossaries. my mail id is- jayanta_bncoe@yahoo.com Thanks jayanta
When I set visible=”false”, the component still takes up space and appears in the tab order. Why is that?
How to Print a web page using the HTML control?
i have a 4 Mva transformer 34.5 kv / 480-277 v and i used 2 parallel 3200 amp bus duct for the secondary feeder using 3 ply of bus bar ( 3/8" x 5" ) as a common where the flexible link terminated and 6300 amps breaker for the main, the lower bus duct reaches 70 degrees and the upper bus duct reaches 55 degrees when i used thermal scanner. why the temperature is not balance when the load reaches 3600 amps.
What is angular good for?
what is gsm technology?
What is the difference between constant pointer and constant variable?
Explain how synchronization takes place with blackberry technology?
What is the use of access database?
How do you get source jars from maven repository?
What is difference between pojo and bean?
What do popular brands of antiseptics such as dettol or savlon contain?
What is a bpo? : bpo
What are the advantages of ado.net?