What is the difference between execute, executeQuery, executeUpdate?
What is the difference between ojdbc6 and ojdbc7?
What is jdbc odbc driver?
What is the full form of jdbc?
How can I write to the log used by DriverManager and JDBC drivers?
How do java applications access the database using jdbc?
What is jdbc odbc?
State the three different ways in which you can create a table?
Is it possible to connect to multiple databases? Using single statement can we update or extract data from two or three or many databases?
Give an example for getXXX method?
If you are given a choice to implement the code to either insert a record or update if already exist, which approach will you follow ?
What is JDBC Transaction Management and why do we need it?
What are JDBC Best Practices?
Is jdbc a middleware?
Why do we use jdbc in java?