What are the Normalization Rules?
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Answer / p.thirugnanam
Noramlization means decomposing the tables and define well
structure to reduce the data reduntancy.
Normalization classified three types.
First Normalization form : It eliminate multiple values
Second Normalization form : It eliminate the partial
Third Normalization form : It elimiate the functional
Partial dependency means non-key value depends on one
primary key value.
functional dependency means two non-key values.
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Answer / pavan
Normalization is the process of decomposing a larger table
into smaller tables inorderto free from the enamalies
reguarding insertion, deletion and alter.
Normal forms are: 1NF(Normal Form), 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF and
The rules: No data loss.
Dependency preserving.
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