What is Connection Pooling ??? How we set up a particular connection within connection pooling ????
2 7020i am user who logined the application..after that another valid user will also logind..so that is it neccessary to create jdbc connection for each and every user...plz explain it with proper answer...plz help me
5 8431what is the meaning of following code snippets Class c=class.forName(driverClassName); Driver d=(driver)c.newInstance();
1 4623MY code is: public class P1{
public static void main(String ar[])
errors i got are :New.java:5: error:
Why we use while rs next ())?
How do java applications access the database using jdbc?
What are jdbc and its components?
What is connection commit?
What are database warnings in jdbc and how can we handle database warnings in jdbc?
How can you make the connection using jdbc?
What protocol does jdbc use?
What are the advantages of using preparedstatement over statement?
Define preparedstatement.
How to use JDBC to connect Microsoft Access?
What do you mean by database connection pooling?
What is jdbc and its advantages?
Does the database server have to be running Java or have Java support in order for my remote JDBC client app to access the database?
How do I load a database driver with JDBC 4.0 / Java 6?
What is jdbc odbc bridge in java?