Architecture Design AllOther Interview Questions
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Green building has many positive effects on the environment. What are the most significant environmental benefits?

1 7738

How did you decide to go into architecture and what did you do to prepare for this field of work?


What are the skills needed to get into architecture?

1 4272

What personal quality is important to be an architect?


What are the benefits of using natural materials and where does technology fit in?

3 13961

if earth building is diffused around the world in countries who need help for resources such as the ones earth ship can give?

1 3352

I would like to build in Southern Ohio, iIn a forest, some sun, lots of shade and some damp conditions. What would be some options for building green in these conditions?

1 3637

What methods and materials would you suggests for the Mediterranean environment?

1 3924

Explain about the natural building techniques, especially Cast Earth.

1 3850

Is there any information about building environmentally in the retarded South. (SC)?

1 3710

What kind of matirials would you use for building a house in earthquake land?

2 5093

We would like to experiment with some kind of eco-building here in this 'Tropical rain forest'. What kind of eco- building techniques do you suggest that we look into?

1 3320

I want to build a home by digging a large hole and cementing the floor and all walls, then making a slanted roof for water runoff, with windows on the south side. How will I keep a steady temperature of 68 degrees with no moisture?

1 3654

What's the best strategy to retroactively remodel to be greener?

1 3681

What details do you notice about the way this building is constructed? How does it differ from your own home?


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The telecommunications offered by the GSM PLMN may be divided into three main groups.what is it?


How did you decide to go into architecture and what did you do to prepare for this field of work?


what advice do you have for Architectural Draughtsmanship student who wish to became architects?


what is the maximum depth at which the open foundation bridge can be done


details about telephone wiring


What details do you notice about the way this building is constructed? How does it differ from your own home?


difference between action and collaboration in object oriented designing and modeling


Who can give me Stracher Design for my plan For Coloum Position. Please call me 9921761702


. A BSC can contain ___________ number of BCF packs.


what is the use of studing architecture


Is there any symbolic or cultural significance behind the structure of the buildings you are observing?


what cut of marks in cgl2010 tier2


what is the role of an architect


what type of mapping is most used in maya production house?


What personal quality is important to be an architect?