how much steel required for 1 sq area for swimmin pool construcion
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Density of plasterboard 15 mm
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I have 14 diffrent shape can I use this in architructure design??
Dear Sir, I got 90kilowat and 3 face for my house.So which cable is the best for my home main line. Thanks Bashir Ahmed e-mail:
Structural wall & slab : Binding wire fixing is alternatively spacing is correct or wrong?. binding wire fixing is all spacing is must or not?
I am architecture student. What type of foundation is preferred in Alluvial soil ? where the soil texture is sandy loam...and also which type of foundation is used for steel structure which will be for 6 story building design
Noisy laptop My Toshiba Laptop, Model: Satellite L355-S7905 is making from time to time ugly noise like sparks, not to mention the sound of the fan. What shall I do?
how much steel bar required for 1 sqm area
what is the maximum depth at which the open foundation bridge can be done
Why were the Gothic Churches able to have large stain glass windows?
Hi i am going to attend Deputy Architect interview in Telecommunication Dept. through UPSC I dont know the type of questions they will ask. I will be very thankful if anyone could help me. Please send to my email-id Please any one have experience of some other Dept., please reply me. my interview in on 10th of Nov. only 5 days left. please help.