Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is bonds

6 7607

what is debentures

eClerx, IBM, Syntel,

31 70192

what is bond and what is debentures


11 21408

what is securites

4 5758

share premium?

Capital IQ, Finance,

25 30961

what is ment by memorandom of association?

Capital IQ, Nestle,

14 22371

what is the difference between long term debt and short term debt?

Capital IQ,

8 17356

what do you mean by debt equity ratio?

Arvind, Capital IQ, Raymond, Su Kam,

17 25761

what are the concepts & conventions of accounting?

4 13093

Compare and contrast the accounting procedure followed by a sole trader and a partnership firm.

1 5598

What is meant by Cost Accounting? How it is different from Financial Accounting?

AV Vision, Deloitte, DigiCall, Parco, TATA,

6 18083

Discuss the role of cost accounting in managerial decision making?

1 3734

What is meant by Cost Accounting? How it is different from Financial Accounting?

1 3812

Discuss the role of cost accounting in managerial decision making?

2 7794

What is Deffered Tax?

Ashoka Distillers and Chemicals, Capital IQ,

11 30319

Post New Accounting AllOther Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Accounting AllOther }

What is the mening of uidnvhe.?


• What are the types of cash flows?






About Funding Working Capital to a Company? A company Turn over is 12 Cr, but in the bank statement credits per month is more that 3 Cr? how this could happen? awaiting your views?


cash sales and credit sales both are asset or liability?


How i pass the share holders capital entry in Tally? How to set this option in Tally?


Short Answer on _________Commerce


What is the meaning of Receipt & Payment, Income & Expenditure, Profit & Loss A/c? Under What cercumstances these are prepared?


what is Contra Asset?


Raj & Raj Ltd purchased a machinery on 01.01.1996 for Rs.88,000.The life of the machine estimated to be 5 Yrs.It was calculated that the old machinery would fetch Rs.8000 at the end of its useful was decided to replace the machinery at the end of the 5th year by setting up depreciation fund and invest the annual depreciation (along with interest earned each year) in gilt edged securities carrying interest at 5% p.a. At the end of the 5th Year the securities were sold for Rs.9000.As per the sinking fund table Rs.14,478 is to be invested every year.A new machine was purchased on 01.01.2001 for Rs.1,00,000.pass the journal entries and show the ledger accounts


What is Provision for expenses?


recently release the 6.0 version not succede in the market why?


while i creating a main asset master there is a error called process being terminated? pls send the solution


My name is Tasha actually I had put my file for Australia PR on basis of Hairdresser, and I have shown my qualification of 10th passed, but I done my B.Com with Accountancy, and presently I am working as Accountant,Now I want to put up my file for Australia Student is it possible, and my age is 36 yrs, I had already given my IELTS (Academic) and I have scored 6 bands, but its period has been expired,please give me some answer what to do next.