C Interview Questions
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Write a C program that reads a series of strings and prints only those ending in "ed"


2 15014

what is link list?

3 5078

main() { printf(5+"good morning"); printf("%c","abcdefgh"[4]); }the o/p is morning and e...how someone explain

1 22362

main() { printf("\n %d %d %d",sizeof('3'),sizeof("3"),sizeof(3)); } wat is the o/p and how?

Tech Mahindra,

12 30846

I have an array of 100 elements, each of which is a random integer. I want to know which of the elements: a) are multiples of 2 b) are multiples of 2 AND 5 c) have a remainder of 3 when divided by 7

1 3093

I have an array of 100 elements. Each element contains some text. i want to: append a star character to the end of every fifth element remove every second character from every tenth element, and… add a line feed (ascii 10) after the 30th character of every array element whose length is greater than 30 characters.

1 3388

if the address of a[1,1] and a[2,1] are 1000 and 1010 respectively and each occupies 2 bytes then the array has been stored in what order?

Amazon, Apple, Bata, Google, NASA,

4 25019

any string of bits of length 'n' represents a unique non- negative integer between.............?

2 6679

write a function which accept two numbers from main() and interchange them using pointers?

3 5852

tell me the full form of c?

2 6735

Reverse a string word by word??

9 13946

wap to print "hello world" without using the main function.

TCS, Wipro,

22 40612

wite a programme in c to linear search a data using flag and without using flags?


3 14899

How would you sort a linked list?

1 3252

why the execution starts from main function

9 17817

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

What is static identifier?


What are the output(s) for the following ? #include char *f() {char *s=malloc(8); strcpy(s,"goodbye")} main() { char *f(); printf("%c",*f()='A'); }


What is the use of header files?


Can we replace the struct function in tree syntax with a union?


a construct the"else" part of "if" statement contains anoth "if else" statement is called a) if-else b) else-if-else c) if-else-if-else d) chain if/if-else-if


What do you mean by dynamic memory allocation in c?


write a c program to find the sum of five entered numbers using an array named number


How can you find out how much memory is available?


Explain how can I prevent another program from modifying part of a file that I am modifying?


What is a program flowchart?


The difference between printf and fprintf is ?


What is the difference between procedural and functional programming?


If one class contains another class as a member, in what order are the two class constructors called a) Constructor for the member class is called first b) Constructor for the member class is called second c) Only one of the constructors is called d) all of the above


What is the use of volatile?


diff between exptected result and requirement?