C Interview Questions
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If 4 digits number is input through the keyboard, Write a program to calculate sum of its 1st & 4th digit.


12 41576

Write a C function to search a number in the given list of numbers. donot use printf and scanf

Honeywell, TCS,

6 9583

what is out put of the following code? #include class Base { Base() { cout<<"constructor base"; } ~Base() { cout<<"destructor base"; } } class Derived:public Base { Derived() { cout<<"constructor derived"; } ~Derived() { cout<<"destructor derived"; } } void main() { Base *var=new Derived(); delete var; }


3 6576

Find string palindrome 10marks

Honeywell, Infosys, Riktam, Roland,

5 10425

a C prog to swap 2 no.s without using variables just an array?


5 7184

Write a program in c to input a 5 digit number and print it in words.

11 60013

How to receive strings with spaces in scanf()

7 8561

i want explaination about the program and its stack reprasetaion fibbo(int n) { if(n==1 or n==0) return n; else return fibbo(n-1)+fibbo(n-2); } main() { fibbo(6); }

2 3675

wap in c to accept n number display the highest and lowest value

2 6546

wap in c to accept a number display the total count of digit

4 10620

what are the difference between ANSI C and Let Us c and Turbo C

LG Soft,

4 20047

The code is::::: if(condition) Printf("Hello"); Else Printf("World"); What will be the condition in if in such a way that both Hello and world are printed in a single attempt?????? Single Attempt in the sense... It must first print "Hello" and it Must go to else part and print "World"..... No loops, Recursion are allowed........................

HOV Services, IBM, Potty,

14 22267

what is the other ways to find a logic to print whether a number is an even or odd wit out using % symbol??????? i know three different ways to print it. so i need any other different logic>>>>>


5 7041

i want to know the procedure of qualcomm for getting a job through offcampus



i want to know aptitude questions,technical questions

2 5719

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How to write a program for machine which is connected with server for that server automatically wants to catch the time for user of that machine?


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Can a function argument have default value?