To what value are pointers initialized? 1) NULL 2) Newly allocated memory 3) No action is taken by the compiler to initialize pointers.
4 8598Which of the following sorts is quickest when sorting the following set: 1 2 3 5 4 1) Quick Sort 2) Bubble Sort 3) Merge Sort
7 15234Which of the following data structures is on average the fastest for retrieving data: 1) Binary Tree 2) Hash Table 3) Stack
3 12457Evaluate the following: int fn(int v) { if(v==1 || v==0) return 1; if(v%2==0) return fn(v/2)+2; else return fn(v-1)+3; } for fn(7); 1) 10 2) 11 3) 1
6 18210True or false: If you continuously increment a variable, it will become negative? 1) True 2) False 3) It depends on the variable type
7 14908Which of the following is not a valid declaration for main ()? 1) int main() 2) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 3) They both work
2 12366void swap(int a,int b) { a=a+b; b=a-b; a=a-b; } in this code always gives the same result for all case
9 16856if a five digit number is input through the keyboard, write a program to calculate the sum of its digits. (hint:-use the modulus operator.'%')
23 75290Write a program or provide a pseudo code to flip the 2nd bit of the 32 bit number ! (Phone Screen)
1 6432
Write a program to reverse a given number in c?
typedef enum { html, java, javascript, perl, cgi } lang;The above statement defines a : a) Union b) User defined type c) Enumerated variable d) none
Why we use int main and void main?
in case any function return float value we must declare a) the function must be declared as 'float' in main() as well b) the function automatically returned float values c) function before declared 'float' keyword d) all the above
What is the difference between fread and fwrite function?
The postoder traversal is 7,14,3,55,22,5,17 Then ur Inorder traversal is??? please help me on this
What is echo in c programming?
Why header file is used in c?
The difference between printf and fprintf is ?
Can you write a programmer for FACTORIAL using recursion?
The __________ attribute is used to announce variables based on definitions of columns in a table?
What is static and auto variables in c?
Can you pass an entire structure to functions?
What is variable declaration and definition in c?
What is the difference between single charater constant and string constant?