Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is organization id

3 9169

in ap_terms table what data will be stored

1 5600

what is latest version in reports

8 9762

what is difference between procedure and function

E Logic,

5 8624

in procedure how to return a value

4 7635

what is aim methodolozy

1 6703

why r u move in the cus_top only why not move another top

4 8218

What are the features of windows Vista?

Brigade, Flextronics, IBM, RRB,

10 15367

How to count the no of objects in XML file(QTP)


1 12654

How can we stop a automation program in middle of execution time?

3 4240

what is the TSL statement to find current systsem date?

2 4031

in a package one procedure is wrong package shows valid or not

4 7210

what is cursor procedure


1 6550

what is global variable in package


3 10196

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Is windows 7 being discontinued?


What is the batch job?


What is the use of bit fields in structure declaration?


How to get the definition of a user defined function back?


How do I replace pages in wordpress?


Can sorting and storing be done through single software or you need different for these approaches?


What is reference count in ios?


What does rack awareness algorithm means and why is it utilized as a part of hadoop?


What are the functions of ms word?


What is the difference between kafka and mq?


How do you load an image in a Servlet?


You are a project manager working on a new software product. Your company plans to market to businesses. The project sponsor told you that the project must be completed by September 1. The company plans to demo the new software product at a trade show in late September and therefore needs the project completed in time for the trade show. However, the sponsor has also told you that the budget is fixed at $85,000 and cannot be increased by even $10 due to overall budget cuts this year. You must complete the project within the given time frame and budget. Which of the following is the primary constraint for this project? A. Budget B. Quality C. Time D. Schedule


What parameters you maintain in “plant parameters” in configuration?


Is schema the same as database?


why are wait(), notify() and notifyall() methods defined in the object class? : Java thread