Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is output value?

3 5691

What is BPT?

Allied Group,

2 16910

How to access values from Unix OS and how to write..

1 4241

Did you use flatfiles in your projects?At what situation you used it?How can you upload flatfiles?

1 4329

what is a active x control?can any one brief me about active x controls

1 3920

Hi Guys, In one of my interviews, I was asked to Write a paragaraph explaining how much scripting I did in QTP? I don't know where to start and what to write. So I need your help in writing that.

1 4250

how qtp handles customised object

1 3945

how to identify an object which is not in the object repository identification can be done using descriptive programming.

2 4825

what is a file system object in QTP

7 31106

what is the difference between window command and dialog command

1 5688

what is the difference between Table checkpoint and Database checkpoint in QTP

Ordain Solutions,

2 9788

How did u write macros?What is the main importance of VB macros in testing environment?

1 7345

What is the difference between low level recording and analog recording mode when it will be enabled.

Ordain Solutions,

5 20672

What is the difference between functions and actions in QTP?


7 24281

Maximum synchronizing time out in QTP


3 8792

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is the use of metaclass in python?


What is Associate Repository in QTP 9.2 ?


8. How much supervision have you typically received in your previous job?


Why its so called Open system interconnection reference model?


What is Webresource and what the different types of webresource ?


What is the exact numeric data type in sql?


Is shell a part of kernel?


What is concatenation in excel?


what are the tools used for oracle 10g in real time.


1.ab*cd=EEE the ab*d= ?


Detail about the features of publish model?


what is the difference between the Observers and Callbacks in Ruby on Rails?


Which among the two is preferable for the project- Hadoop MapReduce or Apache Spark?


What is a secured connection?


What is a repair request?