Software Interview Questions
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I have 5 no.of Action in my Test. Out off which i should make 3rd action as my start-up action. How should i make it?

5 7145

Inserting a Call to Action is not Importing all columns in Datatable of globalsheet. Why?

3 5838

What is the limitation to XML Checkpoints?

1 4159

How to Import data from a ".xls" file to Data table during Runtime.

1 4623

How many ways we can parameterize data in QTP?

2 5684

What is the Diff between Image check-point and Bit map Check point?

Ordain Solutions,

3 5782

What is the use of Accessibility check point?

3 5580

Tell me few important difference Between QTP and WinRunner?


3 6674

How to get line numbers in your editor in expert view?

2 7318

Which Databases supports for QTP?

2 6412

What are the enhancements u did after recording ur script?

1 4582

difference Between Call Run action and copy of action?

1 4065

Explain about reusable actions?

2 4458

Tell me the situations where we will use Data Driven?

Ordain Solutions,

4 6418

It is very difficult to test in manual for that we go to DATA DRIVEN TEST.

3 5499

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is the use of restrict and template property when creating custom directives?


How do you compare two excel sheets and highlight the difference?


Explain Spark Streaming with Socket?


Explain what is logging in Cassandra?


what is distributed cache in mapreduce framework?


tell me something about your family?


i want to print the employee details on department wise with group above report with the fields DEPTNO------group above ENAME ------ SAL-------- COMM------ I WANT OUTPUT LIKE THIS ---------------------------------------------------------- 1)FIRST DEPTNO=10 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN FIRST PAGE AND DEPTNO=20 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN 2ND PAGE WHAT I HAVE TO DO OUTPUT ------- --FIRST_PAGE ----------- DEPTNO:10 ENAME SAL COMM KING 5000 A 2000 2222 ---- =- -- SECONDPAGE DEPTNO:20 ENAME SAL COMM MILLER 220 22 D 45 23 -- - - LIKE THE ABOVE PROCDURE REPORTS HOW MANY DEPARTMENTS ARE EXISITING IN EMP TABLE


How to set database to be read_only in ms sql server?


What is java’s garbage collected heap?


What are the 7 disadvantages to a manual system?


Explain the characteristics of robotic process automation?


What is entity framework c#?


How to use javascript in html?


What is components in typescript?


For synchronizing the logins from lower version to higher version, just take the 11.9.2 syslogins structure, go to 12.5 higher version server?