Software Interview Questions
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What is the difference between a Test and a Business Component? Is it necessary to use Business Component while testing an application in the real time?

2 13722

What is the Test Object model in QTP?

3 6828

How will you load few objects in Active Screen?

1 5139

How to record objects of Windows taskbar


2 11640

In QTP, Which are the concepts are needed to do Functional testing and Regression testing?


3 8957

What is source control?

1 4265

How can i Save the snapshots in a specified folders using Scripting in QTP?

1 5380

What is Virtual Object? Plz Explain me with an example?

Ordain Solutions,

2 10896

How can you delete the results file (XML)

2 5173

In key word driven framework,we will rename the logical names of objects,why?

Liquid Hub,

3 7833

How to get data from excel sheet to the script? write the script.

Ever, Liquid Hub,

6 22901

How to know we are in home page of a web application using QTP



why i join syntel?

ABC, Syntel, TCS,

23 55306

1) What is read with binary search? 2) I have initialization write ?a? Top-of-page write ?b? what is the output for this/ 3) If I don?t have start of selection event in report will it execute?it is mandatory or not? 4) What is table maintenance generator? 5) Is it advisable to have secondary index/ 6) How we will imlement BAPI? 7) What is process code in idoc? 8) Where the information msg will display? 9) Where warning msg will display? 10) Where we use watch point?what exactly watch point means? 11) What is a spool? 12) What is program name that contains all print program names and form names other than TNAPR? 13) How we will capture errors in bapi? 14) How to transfer std text from production to quality?


5 8408

Can anybody tell me, What is the Implementation Process?


2 6974

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What are its drawbacks of cgi?


Is there any rownum object from which we can do this?


Explain about core validation?


What is operator overloading in c++ example?


What is objective c and swift?


What information does a dbd contain?


What is the difference between a Standard Controller and Custom Controller?


What salary range are you looking for at Aflac?


State the difference between strings and arrays.


What is restful api?


Described ternary conditional operator in PHP?


What is the basic concept of java?


How do I clear my browser session?


what is the difference between inner and outer join? Explain with example. : Sql dba


How do I buy a domain?