Software Interview Questions
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Pls let me know completely about descriptive programming, where it is used, pls explain with a real time example of its occurence and the program code written in qtp.

3 5183

Can any body tell me how can I choose the share object repository and per action object repository mode. Please give me with steps.

4 7190

can anybody tell me " which automation framework u r using?" some interviewer asked this quesion? pls give me answer

3 5603

How to load a object repository(using VBScript) ... very urgent....

4 15096

how to retrieve the column headers in database using vbscript statement in QTP

1 14243

when qtp recognizes a web link like (hyper link)wich properties it is going to take to identify the objects unquely? what is Ini file in QTP?

Symantic Space,

1 8570

1.Unit testing ->integration testing->system testing->UAT in this where do u do the functional testing & regression testing? if these two done in each phase why should not mentioned in that ?

ITC Infotech,

6 14366

1.What are the difference b/w client & server?


4 12509

1.While doing regression testing one bug raised due to functionality dependency, what is the bug status that one?


12 13955

1.What is the traceability matrix template? Darw the all fields?

Eka Software, IBM,

11 32783

1.What is the risk factor problem related to project?


3 8953

3.risk factor ratio in the project?

2 4660

1.What is the purpose of ?check-in?,? check-out??

Eka Software,

6 10319

When u r running a script , if u get a popup window that describing that u have received a mail to your outlook application. so to avoid the interference of the popup window , which recovery scenario(popup,object state,application hang,system crash) would u use ?


4 10798

What are accessibility check point and xml check point?


5 14753

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is thread and process?


How do I check cpu usage?


Explain server?


What is selenium 3.0?


What is the purpose of orm?


What is difference between jdbc and hibernate?


Is primary key auto increment?


What is a tld?


What is the use of mysql workbench?


What are 4 types of models?


Explain what are the events used for logical database?


What is the difference between inner join and natural join?


Can Windows Service be created Using WPF?


which are the roadmaps delevered by SAP solution manager I am going to take certification exam soon plz ans


What are the process types of edi?