Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is mutex?

Axiom, Blue Star, SQL Star,

4 8751

could you guys please tell me the most frequently asked interview questions about sap crm. Ofcourse please suggest me with answers.

Accenture, IBM, SAP Labs, Wipro,

96 80948

wat is build verification testing

Tech Mahindra,

21 31450

how to perform reviews

Tech Mahindra,

1 5989

how to report reviews

Tech Mahindra,

2 7465

how to access a build & wat is its configuration

Tech Mahindra,


if the object is identified by QTP & also virtual object wizard then which object will added to object repository

Tech Mahindra,

4 10533

how to debug ur scripts


2 6450

when errors occurs in ur script wat will u do

IBM, Synergy,

11 15133

How do you manage your writen/modified/executed test cases, Bug report etc,without using any tool?

1 4191

In which way tester get Build A, BUild B, ....Build Z of an application, just explain the process..

5 8894

How do you review testcase?? Type of Review...

2 6269

How can we disable popup blocker? (I think it means when we get a pop up messge(its error) how we wil disable that one with out interrupting normal process)

6 9079

How can we close all webbrowsers which are opened in out desctop?

8 12315

what is clean sweep?


Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What do you mean by rows and columns?


What is the difference between variable declaration and variable initialization?


What is web storage in html?


How will you test a stapler?


How do you calculate roots in java?


Explain about the different types of join in Hive?


Can you run linux on any laptop?


What is difference between == equals () and compareto () method?


how do you describe O2C along with tables


What are the five steps of data modeling?


Can I use python in linux?


Explain audit?


How to make your CRM 4.0 to CRM 2011 upgrade faster?


Which condition is used to influence a variable directly by all the others? a) Partially connected b) Fully connected c) Local connected d) None of the mentioned


What are the main differences between 11.x and 12.x versions of sybase?