Software Interview Questions
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What is a message map?


1 7400

List out the basic features of MFC.


4 13948

int main() { int i ,a[i]; i = 0; a[i] = 10; cout<< a[i] << endl; return 0; } What will be output of this program?

HCL, Mphasis,

11 16638

what is woransient key word? how it is used in java



how can create the lexical parameter after the select class?


1 4503

how to create textboxes dynamically and insert textbox text into sql database


2 9532

write a c program in such a way that if we enter the today date the output should be next day's date.


how to pripare BRS/FRS Document for different projects?


1 2887

breef description of batch testing ?



Is Test report same as Bug report....? I have to give Test Report to the client for my Application ....and as it started all of sudden i did not make the test cases and started of testing .....The bug Tracker where i report the bugs has a facility to download the Bug reported in word or in excel format....It has the detailed description of "version" of appliation tested, whom assigned .., resolved , closed..then the steps to reproduce the bug and all...Is the documnet test report...

2 5898

how many chart of a/cs can assign to company code?

1 5115

In Selenium how a test suit is run and report is generated.


In Selenium how a test suit is run and report is generated.


whats the difference between mobile emulator and simulator?

Cap Gemini, L&T,

3 23264

I need testPalindrome and removeSpace #include #define SIZE 256 /* function prototype */ /* test if the chars in the range of [left, right] of array is a palindrome */ int testPalindrome( char array[], int left, int right ); /* remove the space in the src array and copy it over to the "copy" array */ /* set the number of chars in the "copy" array to the location that cnt points t */ void removeSpace(char src[], char copy[], int *cnt); int main( void ) { char c; /* temporarily holds keyboard input */ char string[ SIZE ]; /* original string */ char copy[ SIZE ]; /* copy of string without spaces */ int count = 0; /* length of string */ int copyCount; /* length of copy */ printf( "Enter a sentence:\n" ); /* get sentence to test from user */ while ( ( c = getchar() ) != '\n' && count < SIZE ) { string[ count++ ] = c; } /* end while */ string[ count ] = '\0'; /* terminate string */ /* make a copy of string without spaces */ removeSpace(string, copy, ©Count); /* print whether or not the sentence is a palindrome */ if ( testPalindrome( copy, 0, copyCount - 1 ) ) { printf( "\"%s\" is a palindrome\n", string ); } /* end if */ else { printf( "\"%s\" is not a palindrome\n", string ); } /* end else */ return 0; /* indicate successful termination */ } /* end main */ void removeSpace(char src[], char copy[], int *cnt) { } int testPalindrome( char array[], int left, int right ) { }


Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is an Event Bubbling in Javascript?


What is the use of dataframe in spark?


What are the different types of bots and when are they used in automation anywhere?


How do I create a stored procedure in sql server?


How can we display the output directly to the browser?


What is a wordpress based website?


Differentiate between the PROC SUMMARY and PROC MEANS?


What is storage management in operating system?


What is java argument list?


do you have plans for further study?


How information is stored on graph in neo4j database?


what is the difference between website and web based application ?


What does question mark mean in react?


Why is spring framework popular?


How do I manage that db instances billed at the reserved instance rate?