Hi SQL gurus,
i am working for an MNC...
My team is having a problem in sql server. when user slects
date prompts from jan 1st to april 30, it should display
all months data like :
jan aa
feb bb
mar cc
but when it comes to april its taking data like :
jan aa
feb bb
mar cc
apr dd...and so on
means its taking data again from jan to april which we dont
want. we want the data only april month as we are getting
jan, feb and mar...
can any one write the code to relsove the issue please
would be greatful if you can send to shiva_sans@yahoo.co.in
and also please send your email also ...so that we will be
in touch for any kind of queries ...
Thanks a lot in Advance !!!
Answer / bru medishetty
A better way to get the query help is to post some
technical information of your Table Structure, and the SQL
code that you are executing, in which case it is helpful to
answer quickly rather we guess how your table/code looks
My email is Bruhaspathy@hotmail.com
No Spamming and Chain emails Please.
Bru Medishetty
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