Software Interview Questions
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code to see the priview of the image which is being uploaded (after browising the image... just click priview ... how it will be visible...before uploading)



How to find which company will be conducted Oracle appa interview? Plz help me

3 4949

what is the diffrence between before parameter form triger & formate trigger

2 3458

please tell me architecture of the cognos8?


4 8849

when i post a billing document for free goods how can i exclude for a line item (cost element type 1),not to create a profitability segment but only a cost center thanks in advance

Agile Software,


Can any one pls tell the exact number of modules in Oracle Applications ? What are they and their catogery ( Like Manufacturing, Finance etc.. )Pls give the number.

4 7512

Once the Actions are splitted , is there any way to merge them

3 4150

Is it possible to create a new calendar using BO? Ex:- Wants to create a calendar where the year starts with the 1feb - 25Feb. Next month from 26Feb - 14Mar.

1 3898

what are the basic elements of firewall?

Athena Security Solutions, CMC,

2 8683

what are the Linux-based security tools?

4 6170

Why we use "use lib $path"?

1 3292

Difference between Perl and Mod_perl?

2 7248

How to get the count of distinct records. Please give me the query?

Value Labs,

8 11285

Please give me the SP for the below scenario. I have two tables named Table1 and Table2...I need to fetch record by record from Table1 and insert the record in to table2 where the value in the sno column of the table1 is even number.

Value Labs,

4 6637

I have a DataGrid in which two of the columns are editable...i want to update the backend table with the newly edited data of the datagrid. How to do this please help me.

MS Technosoft, Wipro,

1 4305

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is data model in mongodb?


Is it possible to keep multiple versions of integration model active at the same time?


What is the difference between an absolute path and a relative path in unix?


What is a listener in android?


In realtime do we configure ALE systems or Administator will take care of that?


Is javascript default scripting language?


How long would you stay with Starbucks?


What is pl/sql language case sensitive?


What are different Data Types in SAP HANA?


How do I create and delete a cluster in aws redshift?


How does c++ structure differ from c++ class?


Why is my computer stuck on the starting windows screen?


How much more efficient are new windows?


What are the advantages of Joomla?


How do you know the code has met specifications?