Software Interview Questions
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How to show the vendor codes for freight, Octroi and Comission at item details in purchase order

3 8493

Dear Sir I have one query regarding subcontracting Our firm provides blank paper to one vendor for printing work and takes it back after printing. The vendor is not sending the printed paper in a single slot, he send it in part by part. For example we send the blank paper 1000Kg for printing paper. Subcontracting vendor send it back after printing in the slot of 400 kg, 300kg and 250kg…..he tells us that remaining 50kg is wasted during printing and cutting process. We are not taking back the scarp material…we come to know finally about the qty wastage after the last qty receive and respective invoice made. So pls guide me to map this scenario in SAP. In our firm both the printed paper and blank paper lies in Raw material and raw material is non- valuated in our firm. I also tried it from my side. I created one Bom (cs01) Then I create the subcontracting Po putting the material and component provide. With cost centre and g/l account. (me21n) Then I provide the component to vendor (MB1B with mvt type – 541) Then I do the GRN for 400 and 300 and respective Invoice verification But at the time of final invoice and GRN we came to know that the qty is reduced. If we do GRN for 250kg, then the PO is still open for 50kg..And we are not taking back this 50Kg as it’s wasted during printing and cutting operations. Pls guide me map this scenario.

5 9440

I’m looking for test management software with collaboration capabilities but at an affordable rate.

1 3208

I want to open a text file and then search some specified text in it and then replace that text with some other text i found that text in .txt but do not know how to replace that text can any body help me. if possible put the code for qtp

2 15577

Hi Friends Rajendra this is bhavani prasad, iam working Hyderabad. i faced one problem with qtp recording mode i.e in my application there is 100 records first we click the first record that record will be jumped to next session and 99 records will there stop the recording and run the same script .Run this script qtp does not identify the records. So plz tell me what is the solution.


what is managed data and managed code?

2 4203

what is viewstate?

2 4042

How can count the string ? for ex: If i have string like 'bhaskar' then i need like b:1 h:1 a:2 s:1 k:1 r:1 please give any idea on that


9 9419

what is the difference between class to class type conversion and copy constructor ?

2 5246

what is unreachable code problem in multiple catch statements

3 5328

Is Alpha testing done by developers or testers?

8 10776

Is Beta Testing done by devolopers or testers?

8 8649

how to find string length wihtout using c function?

6 7715

how to copy a string without using c function

5 7921

how to generate sparse matrix in c

3 39713

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What are the scopes of a variable in javascript?


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How will you manage a team under pressure?


What are the steps to follow to cache parts of web form?


Which plot will you use to access the uncertainty of a statistic?


What does ref mean in excel vlookup?


What is the difference between bootstrap 3 and bootstrap 4?


Is json a protocol?


Can you edit a visualforce page in production environment?


What is the differnece between real dom and virtual dom?


hi viewers, tell me,what is scripting and programming, define and difference...pls


How process is created in linux?


what is synchronization and why is it important? : Java thread