What is difference between "terms of payment" and "payment terms" Fields are available in vendor master purchasing view and accounting view respectively. System can take two differnt values for same vendor? why different values are maintained?
8 32795what are the necessary basic electrical topics to learn for mechanical engineer to deal practical problems.
1909If we are late sitting in the office after office Time then any expenses like Fooding charges is made during this hours is taxable under FBT??? If there are Two conditions 1. Staff take reimbursement of such expenses. 2- company directly pay expenses
1 4383Sir, plz tell me how droop setting is done in parellel operation od DG set ? please give practical example ?
1836Post New Honda Interview Questions
Can you describe the limitations of AI in educational settings?
Is hashmap an object?
How we can fire the query in web sql?
What are the types of ejb?
What does arraylist remove return?
What are enzymes?
what are steps for interface? where is exchange rate defined in which table?
What is datacontractserializer in wcf?
How do you check whether the two variables are pointing to the same object in python?
Can we create an abap program without using y or z?
What is aop(assepct oriented programing)?
Why is accuracy important in accounting?
Tell me what views available in application designer project workspace?
What is the use of PF_INET and SOCK_DGRAM?
how to increase senstivity of ct