An input device is interfaced with Intel 8085A microprocessor as memory mapped I/O.The address of the device is 2500H.In order to input data from the device to accumulator,the sequence of instruction will be
1 5993there are two candidates p and q in an election.During the campaign,40% of the voters promised to vote for P ,and rest for Q.however, on the day of election 15% of the voter went back on their promise to vote for P and instead voted for Q. 25% of the voters went back on their promise to vote for Q and instead voted for P.suppose,P lost by two votes,then what was the total no. of voters.
1 4746there are two candidates p and q in an election.During the campaign,40% of the voters promised to vote for P ,and rest for Q.however, on the day of election 15% of the voter went back on their promise to vote for P and instead voted for Q. 25% of the voters went back on their promise to vote for Q and instead voted for P.suppose,P lost by two votes,then what was the total no. of voters.
4 18766posted by surbhi just now main() { float a = 5.375; char *p; int i; p=(char*)&a; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) printf("%02x",(unsigned char) p[i]); } how is the output of this program is :: 0000ac40 please let me know y this output has come
2 14683Three solid objects of the same material and of equal mass – a sphere, a cylinder (length = diameter) and a cube – are at 5000C initially. These are dropped in a quenching bath containing a large volume of cooling oil each attaining the bath temperature eventually. The time required for 90% change of temperature is smallest for a) cube b) cylinder c) sphere d) equal for all the three whyyyyyyy???????
3 6506For an ideal black body (A) absorptivity = 1 (B) reflectivity = 1 (C) emissivity = 0 which is true???????
4 10094main() {int i=5; // line 1 i=(++i)/(i++); // line 2 printf("%d",i); // line 3 } output is 2 but if we replace line 2 and line 3 by printf("%d",i=(++i)/(i++)); then output is 1. Why?
1 7748two independent random variables x and y are uniformly distributed in the interval [-1,1].the probability that max[x,y] is less than 1/2 is a) 3/4 b)9/16 c)1/4 d)2/3
3 9898in 4 pole lap wound dc motor one brush is disconnected then what result in new voltage if its voltage is v volts power is p watts current is i amp
1 3306For fixed primary voltage how does secondary terminal voltage of a transformer change if the pf of inductive load is raised from 0.7 to 0.9 with load current remaining fixed ?
1 4785suppose a processor does not have any stack pointer register which of the following statements is true? a)it cannot have subroutine call instructions b)it cannot have subroutine call instruction but no nested subroutine calls c)nested subroutine calls are possible, but interrupts are not d)all sequences of subroutine calls and also subroutines are possible
1 9311in india are trains run by DC or AC? if DC , from where it receives negative potential? because pentograph receives singe potential only?
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