Suppose u found a bug which a developer could not reproduce and it is reproducing on your pc whenever tried , then in this siyuation what will be the status of the bug, and what u r going to do for that bug.
4 11188How you will choose test cases for Sanity testing and at which phase of testing you will do this.
4 12660How do you implement one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to- many relationships while designing tables?
1 9469String is an immutable object. Then how can the following code be justified. String s1 = ?ABC?; String s1 = s1+?XYZ?; s.o.p(s1); The output is ABCXYZ, which is the value of s1 ?
6 16708Instead of writing Home, Remote Interfaces if i directly extends EJBObject to bean class what happens?
1 4740Post New Flextronics Interview Questions
Explain the advantages of caching?
What is the difference between inheritance and category?
How do you insert a reference in word?
diff. between tension mode & speed mode
When do you use sql override in a lookup transformation?
What is the visibility of component?
I cannot log to my server sap ecc but need to try some new issues to learn about. Can somebody borrow me his access or user password and client- server code juste for some practice??? You will be welcome (mail: Flashe10@live.Fr)
Which tool should use for Silverlight – Expression Studio or Visual Studio?
Explain response in laravel.
How do you get the footer to stay at the bottom of a web page?
which book is good for electronics aptitude test?
what is Forward,Reverse and Re_engineering?
If there is still an m: drive mapped, why does the free space number look funny?
Explain rule resolution algorithm?