Suppose u found a bug which a developer could not reproduce and it is reproducing on your pc whenever tried , then in this siyuation what will be the status of the bug, and what u r going to do for that bug.
4 10974How you will choose test cases for Sanity testing and at which phase of testing you will do this.
4 12272How do you implement one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to- many relationships while designing tables?
1 9355String is an immutable object. Then how can the following code be justified. String s1 = ?ABC?; String s1 = s1+?XYZ?; s.o.p(s1); The output is ABCXYZ, which is the value of s1 ?
6 16403Instead of writing Home, Remote Interfaces if i directly extends EJBObject to bean class what happens?
1 4621Post New Flextronics Interview Questions
How do I open an xml file in internet explorer?
What is meshgrid in python?
What is weaving in spring aop?
How do I turn on tabs in excel?
Why middleware is used in laravel?
Which star is called the polaris?
What is aws ec2 and s3?
Can u help me how to See in SAP Form 16 details. T CODE is PC00_M40_f16. my question is How to get computation details through above T COde.When i open through above T Code shows in One Line i.e Gross Salary.I want to see Gross salary detils. is their any other Tcode to see- Computation details! Kindly help me ASAP My mail ID sherya
What are the disadvantages of html?
Why taglib is used in jsp?
What is the role of activation function?
I need to load an image from flickr into my application. Do I need a crossdomain.xml file on flickr? : adobe flex action script
Define the term GDP? What is the current GDP of the country?
How many layers of Hadoop components are supported by Apache Ambari and what are they?
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