Diploma Mechanical Engineer i had attened more over 100 interviews they are all asking the same question "TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF"
3 60421Post New Rashmi Interview Questions
Write down the expression for average output voltage for step down chopper?
What will be the sql query to list the employee names those are getting 3rd highest salary ?
Are the variables argc and argv are local to main?
Explain the main function of url routing system in asp.net mvc? : asp.net mvc
How can we utilize your skills?
What is s3 bucket.
Why teradata is used?
What I XMLA?
What is an Unpack command?
What is datatable and dataset in c#?
what will be my tax if i suddenly got 800000 to 1000000 in my bank by chq from sale of an old house?
What is a buffer in java?
What do you mean by odbc?
Which package is used to do data import in r and python? How do you do data import in sas?
Do you need a host for wordpress?