Explain npm in node.js?
explian the 5 main costrain that affect decision making in business organization
Explain what are the drawbacks of Joomla?
Is .net framework dead?
What additional limitations does sybase replication server present?
Explain sticky intent?
types of reviews?Advantages of reviews? Diff between process and procedure? diff b/w verification and validation? diff b/w cmm,cmmi? exp tqm,gqm,iso,ieee? Roles and responsibilities of tester? Ricks,types of ricks? what r Quality factors?
What’s the distinction between skinny consumer and thick client?
In the servlet 2.4 specification singlethreadmodel has been deprecated, why?
What is a database in access?
What is an adaptor class in c++?
How come the code works, but does not for two-dimensional array of mine?
Is postgresql object oriented?
how do u identify the changed records in operational data?