The State in India with the largest coastline is: (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Maharashtra
44 185242. Our constitution came into force on (1) 26th November, 1949 (2) 15th August, 1945 (3) 26th January, 1950 (4) 1st January, 1952
2 9196hi friends i m from electrical branch and seeking for tech. + apti. both papers of hpcl plz get it available as soon as possible
15571KVA transformer of different frequencies of 50hz,100hz,500hz&1000hz. which one of these transformer has big size? Give reason
16 36283How to calculate HT XLPE CABLE for 11 kv / 433 v , 1500 kva oil type transformer system? plz provide step by step calculation
15 127702for 1000kva transformer how kvar rating is need for this PFI plant. and how does it will calculate? and Apmpere rating of main cable connection?
6 17216Which tax is not shared by the cental govt. with the state govt. 1. Income tax 2. Excise Duty ....
11 28828In which form Government will get the more profit than any other? a)Direct taxes b)Indirect taxes c)exise tax d)estate taxe
7 8388Post New Engineers India Interview Questions
What is setup time?
Describe size oriented metrics.
What does blockchain do?
Explain the new features added in version 4 of mvc (mvc4)?
what should be ensure to run the sequence job so that if its get aborted in 10th job before 9job should get succeeded?
What is RC2 ?
Hi i'm going to attend online test conducted by BCIL in few days...pls anyone can tell me about the test and how to prepare for it...
How do I insert multiple rows in excel 2016?
John exports information periodically from a microsoft sql server database to an oracle database what is the best way to do this?
Explain Gas Turbine startup and shutdown sequences
What are numpy, scipy, and spark essential datatypes?
reinforcement slab, beam and column formulas?
What a module is in drupal and what the process of writing one involves?
Which stage is available in blue prism process studio.
Describe Bacteriophage growth?