Explain goal of artificial intelligence?
What are the tools provided in oracle enterprise manager?
If jack lies on Mon, Tue Wed and jill lies on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If both together tell they lied yesterday. So c the given options and then c cos in the given dates one will be saying the truth and one will be lying. I got Thursday as option because jack is saying the truth he lied yest but jill is lying again as he lies on that day.
what is tomcat valve?
please explain clearly about execution of c program in detail,in which stage are the printf sacnf getting into exeecutable code
What do you mean by maven and why it is used?
What is different between html and html5?
How to troubleshoot the errors if any issue comes in process builder? : salesforce process builder
What is the difference between L1 and L2 regularization?
What is the use of reorg in db2?
Why do we need digitisation?
when will be appsc exams will held pls give me the dates
Can class inherit from struct c#?
What is the difference between file-based dependency and key-based dependency?
What is the difference between cloud computing and mobile computing?