Who was the original author of Dracula?
Would the copy turn anyone off? Does it appropriately reflect our company?
Which one is beneficial big Ad once or smaller Ads many times?
Have you (or anyone you know) ever been in the newspaper/on TV? If so, what for?
What qualities does a person need to be successful in the field of advertising?
Do you think that the media is objective? Why or why not?
Does our message make our products/services stand out creatively so it will be noticed among thousands of others?
Are there times when the news should be censored?
There's a saying "Do whatever it takes to get the job done". Give me a recent example of what you did that exemplifies this statement.
What difficulties and challenges do you foresee in making the move from managing a single plant to managing multiple plants? How will you overcome these difficulties and challenges?
How can you launch a marketing campaign on a shoestring budget?
Name the 7ps used in general markwting not in service marketing.
What about TV news?