If Seller invoice is within the state and material loaded from other state and deliver within the state then the C Form required or not if required than seller arrange the c Form or Purchaser
2 2961what will be density of a cement bag if its weight and volume are 50kg and 1.25 cft respectively???????
1792For Granite Flooring,For Cement Slurry purpose which one is effective of cost control whether OPC or PPC or White cement?
1643If we don't have drawing for Excavation of building,At what rule we will go for excavation and how much depth will go for a villa?
1364How we paste the Granite Slabs at External Wall?Is there any chemical compound material was using?
1 2284What is the Alternative material of cement, We use for Floor tilling and Wall tailing purpose?
1 2924Post New Jain Housing Interview Questions
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Explain REVERSE function in Hive with example?
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What is the package for freshers(Non IIT) in amazon(hyderabad). And what is the same for those who are a contract employee.
How many entries can mysql handle?
How is the Bitmap checkpoint different from Image checkpoint?
What is meant by k-map or karnaugh map?
What is trigger in flip flop?
What are the different types of transactions supported by di api ?
How do you process errors in call transaction method? : abap bdc
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Can I use JDBC to execute non-standard features that my DBMS provides?