I attended CDC software written test on 14th august 2009.time is 45 minutes. 10 objective type questions & 10 descriptive questions. In objective they asked questions from database like what is MTTF,Hotfix,Normalization,table index is used for what?,Release notes etc... 1.What is Registry? 2.What is compatibility testing? 3.Diff between Automated&Performance testing? 4.What is testing for availability? 5.Open database connectivity interface is used for/ 6.Difference btn Application and DLL'S? 7.What is code complete? 8.What is Release candidate? 9.What is smoke test? 10.Is virus a bug?
2 4559Post New CDC Interview Questions
Q1.Write a C program which asks the user for a number between 1 to 9 and shows the number. If the user inputs a number out of the specified range, the program should show an error and prompt the user for a valid input.
How do I turn off marked suspect on my database in sybase?
Why we use mho Relay in long transmission line?
What is ‘has a’’ relationship in java?
how see report periviwe
What is regex used for?
What programming language is magento?
What is the reason PT speed not incresed in gas turbine?
How do I separate data in excel with a comma?
why and when we can declar member fuction as a private in the class?
What does do in python?
What is difference between java and java ee?
How cdma is different from gsm?
I installed a new application, what do I need to do before I can access it from the web server url?
Explain HCatLoader and HCatStorer APIs?