what is version management in sap abap.Do we have this concept in scripts also?if at all then how do you handle in scripts and what's its usage
2 13104Four friends are given named Akansha, Anuska, Anisha, ... , ... Each of them live in a separate home and sleep on one bed. Akansha and Anuska have two extra beds, two of the house have green lawns while the rest have narrow porchs, One of the house has Airconditioner while the rest have fans
2198two tables are there.1st table EMP has two columns ID and name and contains data 1,A 2,B 3,C 2nd table EmpSal has 2 columns ID and Salary Contains data -1,1000 2,5000 3,3000 Find name of employee having maximum salary ?
5 5167Post New CSE Interview Questions
What is the difference between savings bank account and current account?
What is ‘head’ in git?
Explain what is @synthesize in objective-c?
I have a COBOL program that ACCEPTs some input data. How do you code the JCL statement for this?
What is traceability matrix? Is it required for every project?
I have made a 3 phase thyristor full bridge rectifier. But at the moment it is working only for the half bridge operation. Both the half bridges are on operation separately but when i put it into full bridge operation the oscilloscope output is zero. I rechecked that the pulses are correct for each thyristor. what could be the possible reason for this?
Explain are data mart and dwh normalized or denormalized? Do both of them exist in
How does iron ore turn into steel?
I heard that Apple's laptop usese micro controler whereas others use microprocessors... i learnt tat.. micro controller is nothing but an association of microprocesor with other elements like temperature sensor,timer etc...can anyone explain me this much more in simpler words...
Explain few disadvantages of response caching?
What is setstring method in java?
Do we need antivirus for linux?
You are a project manager for Laredo Pioneer’s Traveling Rodeo Show. You're heading up a project to promote a new line of souvenirs to be sold at the shows. You're ready to write the scope statement, and you know it should contain which of the following? A. Project justification, benefit/cost analysis, project deliverables, and product analysis B. Product analysis, project product, and project deliverables C. Project justification, project product, project deliverables, and project objectives D. Product analysis, project deliverables, benefit/cost analysis, and project objectives
How do Parameterization and Data-Driving relate to each other in QTP?
Define the terms Accuracy, precission, Spam, process tolerance while doing calibration of an instrument? Explaini with an example?