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Covansys Interview Questions
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when will you do debug your script? and explain that process?


The largest cell in the human body is 1 Nerve cell 2 Muscle cell 3 Liver cell 4 Kidney cell

13 45075

what is meant by roll up and roll back in dataware housing????

4 11212

at what level u prepared the reports in cognos???? in dataware housing what is the automation tool u r using???

1 4322

what r the names of the reports that u prepared???

9 13029

what is the automation tool used for data warehouse testing???

3 9513

If an application name is changing frequently i.e while recording it has name “Window1” and then while running its “Windows2” in this case how does QTP handle?

7 11121

Write a program to concert an Indexed file into Sequential file?

1 5191

what are the joins present in reportnet?which is most widely used?

4 8277

hi, they have given 2 tables to write quries in SQL SERVER 2000 based on table as follows . 1st table :author: COLUMNS AS FOLLOWS pk. AUTHOR F_NAME DOB NATIONALITY 2ND TABLE BOOKS: COLUMNS AS FOLLOWS; PK ISDN F.K AUTHOR LANGUAGE PUBLISH_DATE; 1) RETRIVE author who is indian and hindi write in a) as joins b) sub quries 2)retrive who is younger author ; 3)retrive author who wrote more than one book in different language. 4)retrive author who has wrote in different language in each year write all queries in sql for sql server


Hi , any one can help me on the same,this is regarding the Informatica Function doc,i want to know how developer is will develop the mapping. pl forwar the any function doc .just for my references.


you are recording on "WINDOW 1", say it has a link if you click on that, that leads you to "WINDOW 2". If you do any manipulations on "WINDOW 2" that are automatically updated in to "WINDOW 1". But "WINDOW 1" is currently invisible. But the updations in "WINDOW 1" must also be recorded as a script in QTP. The best Example is if you update your resume in JOB STREET portal it actually happens in other window, but the previous window is automatically updated. Now does QTP help you in this types of situations? Any body can answer this question. please..... Siva


what is exit criteria and entry criteria with proper examples??? hi, i faced so many interwies in this plz answer this questions as early as possible...

1 2488

Hi frnds im interviews they are one question 4r me. " AS A TESTER, WHAT IS UR GOAL OR AIM OR AMBITION..? ".. can any one gve answer perfect answer ? tank u .. reply me plss

7 9794

what is servlet enginee?


Post New Covansys Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is return value in php?


what is the minimum voltage require to injure our body?


Name two vital conditions of a perfect gas.


Hi, I am using 2 excel sheet.First excel sheet works fine with the script, if it opens the 2nd excel sheet,it works fine,but after finish all the rows it is giving the following error in the following line. InValid Procedure call or argument Line (178): "Browser("name:="&result,"application version:=internet explorer 7").Page ("title:=bgt.*", "index:=0").WebList ("name:=SearchType","html id:=Select1","location:=0").Select SearchType1". I have seen a web article says that,If we use any vbscript friendly name it may gives the above error-Invalid procedure call or argument not sure,Am I using any VBScript frienlyName? in the above line? [but the same line is perfecly working for first Excel ] It is little urgent. Any Help Thanks you


How to design the earth grid for lightning protection in an industry


how to weightage the risk analysis, what are the tools to evaluate !!


mention if it is possible to import data directly from t-sql commands without using sql server integration services? If yes, what are the commands? : Transact sql


What is the meaning of php?


Doul Bar reinforcement and details of drawing.


Why doesnt the call scanf work?


Describe immunoglobulin (ig) a.


What does maven dependency plugin do?


What are basics of policy management?


Explain branch testing?


What are the jobs performed by servlets?